From a Mom to the Child in all of us,
Author Natasha Klassen,
Dedicated to my Sunbeam
Hey you, yup you, smile, sweetie.
I realize there are days when a smile is hard to find. Sometimes even painful to place upon your lips.
It can take a lot to reach down within and summon one to appear upon your face. But, I will share a secret with you.

Smiles are magic......yes, I know!.....believe it or not it is true!
A smile can change the world!
First, I have to say you have the most beautiful smile. Every smile is beautiful. But, do you know that smiles are not only beautiful, they are magical too? If you are able to find one and make it appear on your face you have a special power. They bring a joy with them, sometimes a laugh, and they also make the world around you brighter. You will never know the power a smile has until you unleash the power of one into the world around you.
It can change your feelings about the world in an instant. Why? A smile is contagious, it also invites others to open their hearts to you, the world becomes friendlier, kinder, and more welcoming. No, you don't have to smile, the choice is up to you. But, if you do you will find that by giving one to the world, you will receive tenfold back.
And, you can make another person's day brighter without even knowing it. You may be experiencing a difficult day, but others may too. When you make the world brighter for others, you also make it much more so for yourself.
That's all I ask. Smile for me. Even if it hurts, move that mouth just a touch to the sides, you can do it, I know you can.
There that's better. Now internalize that smile, let it melt into your soul, way down to all those empty spots and places that kinda ache.
It is like a salve, and it will coat all those places that have been left bare and painfully raw.
Let it soothe your soul and keep that feeling, treasure it, and let it help you through the day.
Here's one for you to keep in your pocket just in case your lips won't cooperate. You can borrow mine, but just for a while, because you have to find your own. Until then......
Have a great day sunshine!